
Services include: Coaching, test-strategies assesment, test taking strategies, content review, NBME reviews, UWorld review, resource and anki assistance & guidance. 


USMLE Step 1 & 2

Step 1: $100 per hour

Step 1 is one of the single most stressful things a med student will ever experience, you don't need to do it alone. Let us partner with you.

Step 2: $100 per hour

Step 2 can be a saving grace for many students who didn't score well on step 1. Let us help change your narrative.


Grace Gilbert

RN, MD- class 2022

General Surgery Resident

Strengths: Test taking Strategies, Pathology

Ashton Jackson 

MD-class 2021

Anesthesiology Resident 

Strengths: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry

Julie Hansen

MD-class 2022

Research Track

Lead Tutor

Strengths: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Genetics 

"Gech" Nwosu 

MD-class 2022

Diagnostic Radiology Resident

Lead Tutor

Strengths: Cardiology, Renal, Test-taking,  Endocrine, Pulm, GI, and Neurology 

Dhrashti Parikh

MD-class 2022 

Strengths: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Genetics 

Caroline Njue

MD-class 2022

Anesthesiology Resident 

Strengths: Cardiology, Endocrine, Pharmacology, GI and Renal

Mahdi Katz

MD- class 2021

Strengths: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Genetics 

Madhurima Yerra

MD- class 2022

Strengths: Cardiology, Endocrine, GI, and Neurology 

Sara Woldermariam

MD- class 2022

Strengths: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Genetics 

Amy Quintero

MD -class of 2021

Anesthesiology Resident

Strengths: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Genetics 

Asad Razzaq

MD class of- 2023

Strengths: Pathophysiology, Test-taking stratagies, Hematology & Oncology, Anki

Stephen Meixner

MD -class of 2021

Orthopaedic Surgery Resident

Strengths:  Clinical Sciences, Pathophysiology, Anatomy


Ena Nanic

MD -class of 2021

Strengths: Pathology, microbiology, pharmacology

Mokhtar Malas

MD -class of 2021

OBGYN Resident

Strengths: Clinical reasoning, OBGYN, Pathology

ERAS Preparation

Aaron Pomerantz

PhD in Social Psychology, MS, BA

Personal Statements

Don't let your story go unoticed! Dr. Pomerantz has exstensive exspirence editing ERAS personal statements. 

$120 for consultation and 2-3 edits


Tim Lebak

BA in English and Creative writing

Personal Statements, CV, ERAS support

Tim will be your best friend in the ERAS process. Experienced with the website, eras requirements, input, and format methods. Tim can bring your personal statement into a whole different realm. 

$120 for consultation and 2-3 edits


Interested in donating to privide tutoring? 

Financial hardship assistance applied on individual basis.

Interested in being a tutor? Fill out application.